Greg Hardy is a real piece of work. He beats up his girl friend, makes inappropriate tweets and sexist comments, gets into sideline altercations and then doesn’t have the guts to answer for his actions hiding behind “no comment.”
So what does Cowboys owner and general manager Jerry Jones say about this?
“… As a matter of fact, I would encourage it,” Jones said about Hardy’s unprofessional sideline antics.
Jones also called Hardy “one of the real leaders on this team.”
What team is that Jerry, or did you mean gang instead of team?
It’s bad enough Jones is an enabler. But he’s also a total BS artist.
If Jones was the least bit honest he would say, “Greg Hardy is garbage. He’s bad for the NFL and a plight on mankind. But he can really rush the passer. So being the slimeball, publicity-seeking, win-at-all-costs kind of owner that I am, I’m going to pay him big bucks and make up excuses and lies to cover up his behavior.”
As long as Hardy remains on Dallas’ roster no one should ever call the Cowboys “America’s Team.”