Worst NFL Commentators

On September 22, 2016, in NFL, by Stephen

Rarely does an NFL network commentator tell you anything you don’t already know. Most just say the obvious. There are a few really good ones such as Cris Collinsworth, Howie Long and Rich Gannon.

There also are some really bad ones. At the head of my list for the worst are Boomer Esiason and Terry Bradshaw.

Boomer has this aura that he’s articulate and well-spoken. Unfortunately the guy just has plain wrong opinions on practically everything he says. He reminds me of the little boy in school who always gave the wrong answer. You just want to put your hands over your eyes and cover your ears every time he gives another wrong analysis.

Bradshaw can’t talk especially not fast enough to keep up when giving replay highlights. The mystery continues as to why FOX gives him this task every week, every year. He’s never been up to it.

I’m sure Bradshaw can spell cat without spotting him the c and a. I’d lay 3 to 1 he can’t spell potato. Bradshaw’s another guy who mostly gives wrong opinions. His clown act never has been amusing, far less so now. Then again it might not be an act.


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