Ditch the Pro Bowl – Please

On January 31, 2016, in NFL, by Stephen

The Joke Bowl, otherwise known as the Pro Bowl, goes today. The total is 71. That’s all you need to really know about the quality of this exhibition.

But in case you want more, a record 45 players who were picked to participate declined to attend this year. I’m always relieved when players from my favorite NFL team aren’t in this game.

There is no upside. Just the downside of an injury occurring. Maybe when that happens – this is a football game after all even in the loosest sense – the greedy NFL will pull the long overdue plug on this meaningless boring event that no one really cares about. Do you even remember who won last year?

The more realistic way for the Joke Bowl to end, though, is for people to stop watching. Last year’s game drew 8.77 million viewers. It was the highest-rated show on cable for that week. Are people that starved for football after just having their Sundays monopolized by it for the last five months?


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