In 10 years – perhaps less – professional football will be out of business as we know it today.
Those are scary and mind-boggling words. They were written by Michael Gray in an article that appeared in the Sunday sports section of the New York Post.
Gray writes that NFL football can’t survive the way it is now. He cites four main reasons for having these views. They are:
Concussions: Court battles involving concussions could cost the NFL hundreds of millions and force major changes to the way the game is played now.
Culture: All the hot-dogging, dancing and bad actors like Greg Hardy, who are allowed to play, are moving the sport toward a pro-wrestling culture. This is going to backfire with many fans. I know it does with me and other old school guys, who have been closely following the NFL since the 1960s. I admire Cam Newton’s football talent. But if I wanted to watch dancing I would tune in “Dancing with the Stars.”
Lack of Supply: Far less children are playing football nowadays because of the injury risks being so great.
Advertising: Peyton Manning is close to retirement. Who becomes the new NFL poster child of commercials? Are there any other safe, hero-types that Madison Ave. will feel comfortable using?